Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Private or not?

In the excitement of our recent news, we've heard from someone saying how shocked they are that we are sharing something so private. Yes, we've shared some news, but I don't think it's anymore private than sharing ultrasound pictures with friends or telling them you are pregnant or even asking for prayers because you are hoping for a baby. We announced this because we feel the love and good wishes surrounding us every day will be exactly what we need to go through this journey. We know how amazing our family and friends are and how this isn't just our news, it's happening to all of us. There will be a new grandchild, a new cousin, a new brother or sister, a new member of our Church, a new friend, and so much more!

I think people also have to realize- everyone is different. I am not a super private person, while others are. Guess what? That's OK! I know I don't really need to justify myself here, but I do want to say this- it's not always easy to live so far away from a lot of the people I love dearly. Social media has been an amazing tool for me to stay "close" and "in touch" with some of my best friends and closest family members. In my eyes, social media is NOT a bad thing. Others think it's the devil. Each to their own, but please do not fault me for being open and not private. 

Yes- we are excited, yes-we want to shout if from the rooftops, yes-we want everyone to support and pray for us and yes- we are terrified!

Sharing this with our family and friends is special to us and we want to thank you all for your kind wishes so far. Xxxxxxx

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